I am Dr. S. Bhattacharyay working with Pest Science for the last 30 years. Nowadays “Pest Control is a Business” & maximum are using toxic pesticides which are harmful for human health and our Eco-system.From my view and as per my study & research Pest Control is a complete science. Moreover it is social work for me to safety of our planet.
My earnest request “Please select a pest controller after taking an interview on Toxic effects of Pesticides and that kind of pesticides he will use”.In this matter I am agree to help you without any charges & without any advantages. Because I am anxious and I know the toxic level is gradually increasing in our country as well as in The World also. It will be more dangerous if we will not alert now.
– Dr. S. Bhattacharyay –
IGMRI & CBRI – Govt. of India, IPM, MBP & IP (University of California-USA).
Editor of PEST WORLD (International News Letter on Pest Science).
Nowadays pest management Chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphorous and carbamate insecticides are inexpensive to produce, relatively straightforward to apply, fast-acting, and extremely cost effective. They also offered remarkable flexibility; for almost every pest, there were one or more chemical pesticides able to solve the problem.But its deleterious impacts on human health and to the environment is very much dangerous.
To the credit of the agrochemical industry, they responded to concern over the deleterious effects-particularly human health impacts-by discovering newer insecticides with increasing selectivity toward targeted pests and decreasing toxicity to mammals.