Cockroach infestation in Indian homes and other places is a significant problem. They’re not the best companions but we often find ourselves stuck with Indian cockroaches. India is the world’s second most vastly populated country after China. It’s understood that this land will then not only be populated by humans. We have plenty of animals and annoying insects, pests like cockroaches and reptile species in this country.
Cockroach infestation is a significant problem.
Your food is main attraction of both German & American cockroaches. So put your foods & vegetables in safe places where cockroaches can’t reach. We use Herbal base Pesticides for removing Cockroaches in your Residents and organizations. Mainly removing cockroaches & eggs from hidden places and entry points will drive cockroaches away and prevent future infestations. Inside the home, seal cracks in dark places like cupboards or building cracks with caulk, repair water leaks, and remove moisture in crawl spaces and other dark areas by increasing ventilation. Time to time cockroach treatment is required. Because cockroach eggs can’t be seen in hidden places. After hatching they come out and increase their populations. For this reason we treat 3 to 5 times between 15 days gap. Sometimes we use nontoxic chemical and special type of Gel for removing Cockroaches. Cockroaches are scavengers, so they will crawl around until they find what they need. Smell is a sense cockroaches rely heavily on. While scavenging, their antennae will move from side to side to smell the food in the air. Once they have identified what they want to eat, they will use their mouth to consume it.
Dr. Bhattacharyay use Herbal & non-toxic system to control Cockroaches.
About one week after mating, the female produces an ootheca. On average, females produce one ootheca each month for ten months, laying an average of around 14-16 eggs per case. The pregnant cockroach will carry an egg case for a few days before placing it in a safe location. Female cockroach can produce 9-10 ootheca and each ootheca can give rise to 14-16 eggs. Collaterial glands are present in female cockroach as part of reproductive system. These glands are branched tubular glands opening independently on the dorsal side of the genital chamber.
On an average, females produce one ootheca each month for ten months, laying an average of around 14-16 eggs per case.
Salmonellosis, Typhoid Fever, Cholera, Dysentery, Leprosy, Plague, Campylobacteriosis, Listeriosis. Symptoms of cockroach allergies are similar to those of other common allergies. They’re most similar to symptoms of dust, mites, or seasonal allergies. People with cockroach allergies may notice their symptoms last beyond the time seasonal allergies would naturally lessen. They may also occur when dust or mites aren’t present. Common symptoms of cockroach allergy include – coughing, sneezing, wheezing, nasal congestion, nasal or sinus infections, ear infections, skin rash, itchy skin, nose, throat, or eyes, runny nose or postnasal drip etc.
Data: Based on the research study
A cockroach allergy is also known to trigger, exacerbate, or even cause asthma in adults and children. It may affect children worse than adults, especially in urban areas where cockroaches are more common in larger numbers. Allergies to cockroaches may be one of the top causes of asthma in children in inner cities. Cockroach allergies have also been shown to increase typical asthma symptoms in children more than in those with asthma not caused by cockroach-related exposure. Asthma symptoms in both children and adults may include - whistling or wheezing while breathing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, discomfort, or pain, difficulty sleeping due to the above symptoms.
A cockroach allergy is also known to trigger, exacerbate, or even cause asthma in adults and children.
The most effective treatment for cockroach allergies is prevention by removing the cause. Taking measures to keep cockroaches out of your home is essential for allergy relief. Tips for doing this include: *keeping a clean and tidy home *getting rid of dirty or dusty piles of clothes, dishes, papers, or other belongings *cleaning counters, stoves, and tables of food and crumbs regularly *sealing up damp areas or leaks where cockroaches can access water *keeping food containers tightly sealed in the fridge *tightly sealing all garbage cans *sweeping floors regularly to remove food crumbs and dust *using traps, exterminators, or other measures to kill or repel cockroaches. *If you see or suspect cockroaches in your home and you’re experiencing allergy or asthma symptoms first go to doctor. Then call us for Cockroach Treatment. Among the many cockroach species, it is the American cockroach Periplaneta americana and the Periplanetaaustralasiae which are the most likely to bite humans. German cockroaches have also been known to bite humans. It may be dangerous if not treated.