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General Pest Control

Termite Control


Symptoms are wilting and dieback of tree branches and leaves, often starting in the upper canopy. The borer spreads with the movement of infested trees, firewood, and green waste material. After mating, female borers disperse to look for suitable host trees and may fly up to 400 meters. Many borer insects are attracted to trees that are weakened by crowding, stem and trunk diseases, or other insect damage. Chemicals, mechanical activities, rodents and extremes in temperature, sunlight, and moisture may also produce damage that attracts boring insects. Sealing holes prevents re infestation from eggs laid within the hole. Control Method: Wood borer treatment is specialized treatment service, it is require oil base service with combination of fumigant and contact disinfectant chemical for wood preservation without damaging its texture and polish quality. Their life cycle is about 3–4 years long and due to that fact, evidence of infestation holes might take years to manifest.

Please call us for scientific Wood Borer Treatment.

Termite Control


All spiders produce silk. One species is mostly vegetarian. Spiders are nearsighted. Females can lay up to 3,000 eggs at one time. Jumping spiders can jump up to 50x their own length. The 'daddy long-legs' you see might not actually be a spider. Many people believe that spiders are insects - they are not - they look like insects. There are two main features that distinguish spiders from insects - spiders have only two body parts and eight legs, whereas insects have three body parts and six legs. The brown recluse spider is recognized by the violin-shaped marking on its back . This spider takes rest during the day and is not aggressive but it will attack in the case of provocation. Patients are usually bitten by wearing clothes and shoes with spiders in them. This spider is most venomous & harmful  to human.  Spiders belong to a branch of invertebrate animals called arthropods. Arthropods have the largest number of species. Along with ticks, mites and scorpions, spiders fall into the subphylum chelicerata and class of arachnids. The arachnid class has very diverse members in a way that more than 80,000 species belonging to that class have been identified to date. Spiders are a large group of arachnids belonging to the araneae order. More than 40,000 species of spider have been identified to date but the real number is estimated at 4 times more than that number. Except for two small groups in the arachnid family, all spiders have poison glands and release their secretions into their venom sacs near their chelicerae. However, the majority of spiders do not bite humans and except for a few cases, they are not harmful to the human being or other mammals.

We take full care to control all kinds of spider.

Termite Control


As per observation lizards can't take the strong odour of naphthalene balls, they avoid them. Get rid of lizards by placing the balls in kitchen cupboards, storage racks, and under the sink. Keeping them at a safe distance from the food supply is a smart idea. Lizards have external ears and appear to be able to hear better than snakes. Most lizards have eyelids that clean and protect their eyes when they blink. A few, however, have fixed eye-caps like snakes. Some lizards have developed special features to help them survive. Hemidactylus or common house lizards are scaly vertebrates belonging to the gecko family. Their unique feature is that they can regenerate their broken tail. The species of wall lizards are adapted to walk on roofs, walls and smooth surfaces. The common house lizard is naturally insectivorous, insects are one of their favourite things to eat. They often eat spiders, snails, caterpillars, and all kinds of insects. Pepper spray is an effective lizard killer spray for the elimination of lizards and should be on top of your list on how to get rid of lizards through home remedy. Spray a mixture of black pepper powder and water in the areas where you locate pests.

We use herbal pesticides for controlling house Lizard.

Termite Control


In the photograph Dr. Bhattacharyay is seen in a 5 Star Hotel  “Mayfair Waves” at  Puri where he killed a Caterpillar using a herbal pesticide  and this pesticides he consumed  in front of Gardener to proof that it is non-toxic. Red Spider Mites: The tiny mites live under leaves and suck sap, causing yellow mottling, Gall Mites: These microscopic mites suck sap and cause abnormal growths. Bagworm, Japanese Beetles, Leaf Miner, Codling Moth, Winter Moth, Aphids are some other pests found in Garden. What are the three types of insect pests ? Some common examples of these pest insects are- caterpillars, beetles, grasshopper, locusts, leaf worms, armyworms, termites, etc. Among the most common outdoor insects, ants have a huge impact on the environment.  The name ants is often associated in our minds with nuisance or stinging, but most ant species are neither dangerous or bothersome. Sap-feeding insects insert slender, needle-like mouthparts into the leaves or stems of plants to feed on the nutrient-bearing vessels inside the plant.  Symptoms of plants attacked by these insects include browning or wilting, or sticky honeydew on leaves and trunks of affected plants. Mesophyll feeders have similar mouthparts to sapfeeders, but do not actually feed on plant sap.  Instead they feed on individual plant cells of leaves and stems.

We use herbal pesticides to control Garden Pests.

Termite Control

About Ants

Ants usually come indoors in search of food or nesting habitat. Even small amounts of food, like pet food crumbs, can attract hordes of industrious ants. Ants are one of Earth's most successful animals, and comprise more than 13,000 species. Pests, in general, can cause a lot of nuisance and damage in homes and ants are a prime example of that. Ants infestation is quite common and generally happens massively, and the most striking part is that ants infestation is not limited to particular geographical territories! Ants can invade your home for any reason, and if this is left unchecked, it can become a problem of an intolerable magnitude! Ants are part of nature’s cleaning crew: they efficiently find and remove food left around the house. The problem is, sometimes humans don’t want their help. You’ve probably noticed ants more commonly come indoors in summer - that’s largely because most insects are more active in the warmer months. Ants occasionally come inside in search of water, particularly during dry periods. In this case you may see them in bathrooms or other humid parts of the house.  

We can control Ants without any toxic pesticides. CALL US FOR FREE ADVICE FOR ANY PEST PROBLEMS 9830078007, 8981084302.


Flies cannot breed in large numbers if their food sources are limited. Do not allow such materials as manure, garbage, grass clippings, weed piles or other decaying organic matter to accumulate. Keep trash cans clean and tightly covered. Be careful not to wash garbage cans where the rinse water might drain into the soil; flies can breed in soil full of organic matter. Dry out maggoty garbage or dispose of it in fly proof containers or landfills. We use non toxic FLIES BAITS which is not harmful for Human and Environment

FOR FREE ADVICE PLEASE CALL US: 9830078007, 8981084302

Termite Control

About House Fly and Its Control

There are many species of flies that can be bothersome around businesses and residential areas. The common housefly is the usual culprit but there are a few other types of flies than can become pests including stable flies, horse flies, bottle flies, black flies and cluster flies. Since house flies are the most common invader in homes and businesses we will focus on this pest.


There are four basic principles of pest management important in controlling house flies: sanitation, exclusion, non-chemical measures, and chemical methods.  


Can you get sick from flies on food?

In most instances, spotting a fly on your food doesn't mean you need to throw it out. While there is little doubt that flies can carry bacteria, viruses and parasites from waste to our food, a single touchdown is unlikely to trigger a chain reaction leading to illness for the average healthy *House flies are strongly suspected of transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans, including typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, poliomyelitis, yaws, anthrax, tularemia, leprosy and tuberculosis. The eggs are deposited in decaying matter such as grass clippings, garbage, human and animal excrement. Horse manure is the preferred breeding medium. About l00-l50 eggs are deposited by each female on appropriate food. Eggs may hatch in 7 l/2 hours when temperatures are high (about 99x F), or it may take two days if the temperature is only 59xF. Eggs hatch into worm-like creatures called maggots .Maggots lack definite heads, eyes, antennae or legs. Their bodies are pointed at their front end and gradually widen at the rear. They feed on the material in which they find themselves. There are three larval molts. Mature larvae stop feeding and burrow for protection in drier surrounding areas, where they pupate. The pupa is a chestnut brown, oval object within which the larva changes into an adult house fly. Adults mate within one to two days after emerging from their pupa cases. The life cycle, from egg to adult, may take as little as one week, but normally requires three weeks for completion. House flies normally live about 2 l/2 weeks during the summer, but they can, at lower temperatures, survive up to three months. Some overwinter outdoors in protected locations, or in crevices in buildings.

Flies normally stay within l/2-2 miles of their point of origin, but have been known to travel as far as 20 miles to find food and favourable sites.

Termite Control


Flies on food are disgusting. They spread germs and they are very unhealthy. They could be everywhere from your kitchen to your food plate on the dining table. Not only do they look bad but they are also very dangerous for our health and make us sick.

Say goodbye to flies with our Pest Quest Service

Termite Control

Our Treatment Methods :

Mosquitoes hate the smell of lavender, citronella, clove, peppermint, basil, Cedar-wood, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemongrass and rosemary, we use this kind of herbal base chemical for safety human and environment. We use eco-friendly and non-toxic pesticides for safety of human, pets and environment. Kindly call a Pest Controller who use non-toxic pesticides and properly educated on Toxicity of Pesticides. Scientific fogging is also another process for Mosquito and other flying Pests. Our process is completely different from others.

FOR FREE ADVICE PLEASE CALL US: 9830078007, 8981084302

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